These are the details to edit the registry settings as discussed.
BEFORE PROCEEDING PLEASE NOTE: This section contains steps that modify the Windows registry. Incorrectly editing the registry may severely damage your system or make your system unsafe. Before making changes to the registry, you may wish to manually back up the registry settings.
A network access issue may occur because User Access Controls (UAC) treats members of the Administrators group as standard users. As a result some users may not be able to access some network locations when running some applications.
A modification can be made to registry settings in order to establish network availability across all users, regardless of the user account control set at individual application level (i.e. selecting the 'Run as Administrator')
To see the network drives you must edit the registry setting (Run as Administrator)
1. The resolution of this problem requires a modification to be made to the registry settings on the PC as follows;
2. Press the Windows Key + R to open the “Run” dialog box
3. Enter “Regedit.exe” and press “OK”. This will open the “Registry Editor”.
4. In the registry tree navigate to the following location
5. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > Software > Microsoft > Windows > Current Version > Policies > System
6. In the right hand window, right click and select “New” > “DWORD (32 Bit) Value”
7. Give the new key a name of “EnableLinkedConnections” and press enter.
8. Double click on the New Key and set the “Value data” to 1 and press OK
9. Close Regedit and Reboot the computer.
When you open payroll again you should see the network drives when you click ‘Browse’ under tools and Options.
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